#wcw -Meet Andrea B.


Meet Andrea Brooks.  

I (Dani) had the pleasure of playing with Andrea a little more than a year or so ago at an impromptu 'get out and play' sort of thing out here in North Carolina along with fellow WMC Project presenters, Julie Angel and MaryBeth Gangemi.  I had a blast hanging out with her and learning from her, and learned that just a few weeks later, she'd be moving to Dubai to coach Parkour.  I'm not going to lie, this made her instantly even more interesting to me.  

I've been keeping up with Andrea on social media and love to see her play and see her handstands all over the world.  You should also know that this strong woman tore her achilles tendon this past year and has been recovering after surgery.  Throughout her entire time of recovery, she was finding ways to explore and play and move, and that's freaking awesome.

Andrea is a playful mover with a wise and kinda soul, and a huge heart. AND she truly wants to collaborate and connect with you, so hit her up and get to know her! 

Facebook - Instagram - Email Andrea


Q: What do you do?

A: I'm a Head Coach at Parkour DXB in Dubai, UAE... If you aren't familiar with Parkour, check this out. 

Q: What else do you do?

A: I am happy to be a See & Do team member.  I am a creative soul and dreamer. I write, sing/rap in my car, travel, study many languages, dance, listen to old school hip hop, do handstands a lot, eat delicious food and act like a kid.

Q: How do you define the word 'strength'?

Strength is love in physical form.

A: Strength is a measure of how much control you have over the amount of power you possess. Strength is how much further you came from where you started. Strength is doing something for your own good despite all your doubts. Strength is in restraint. It is a deep acknowledgement and understanding of being human and having agency over your actions. Strength is love in physical form.

Q: How did you discover your passion/work/niche?

A: Movement has always been in my blood. It is natural like speaking a language but my road to parkour was another story. What led me to knowingly practice parkour has to do with one brave step towards my authenticity that had a domino effect.

I ended a relationship that I knew in my heart wasn't for me. The break up led me to wanting to relocate within the US and leave my job as a gym manager at a gymnastics facility. Equipped with my new bravery of taking leaps of faith, I approached my boss to ask for a raise because I had plans to leave. In the negotiation, he offered me the opportunity to get certified in parkour coaching. I was very excited with the opportunity for knowledge far more than I could have been about monetary compensation. My first big parkour event I attended is when I knew that parkour would absolutely change my life and help me take control of the life I wanted.

Q: How do you incorporate movement into your daily lifestyle?

A: Movement is my profession so many times I am not doing it for myself. I have to actively carve out time to move for me. I am lucky to have a space to move and I simply start out with light stretching and then will go wherever my imagination leads me. Sometimes I book an appointment in my calendar with myself or with a friend to make sure I am prioritizing it.

Q: Where would be a good starting point for someone who is looking to add more movements into their life like what you do?

A: Research where you live. Find like minded people. When you find people you like that do what you want to do, just the thought of seeing their faces will make you want to go. Find the energy in tribes of good vibes. hehe. Oh, and then show up! Just show up. Don't think, just show up. Did I mention show up?

Q: How do you define 'fitness'?

A: Fitness to me is having the tools to balance your life mentally, physically, emotionally, and socially. Being "fit" means being equipped with knowledge and having the self awareness to execute WHAT you need when you need it.

People confuse fitness as being merely physical, but to me, it is the tip of the iceberg. There is no point in doing anything physical if there is no deeper meaning to it.

Q: Where do you see the future of the fitness?

A: I am a firm believer in what was once old will be new again. I am HOPING with fitness that 'less' will be 'more'. That fitness will be seen as being able to explore a city for a day, play with your kids or nieces or nephews, to be able to take control of one's mental health openly without stigma.

The physical and solely aesthetics nature of fitness is so overly saturated that I hope people start to crave for something more. It won't have to be "workouts" and "clean eating"; it will be finding joy in living and well, just eating.

Q: Does movement increase your self-confidence? If yes, how?

A: Oh yes! Movement makes me feel accomplished. It makes me feel like if I set my mind to something physical and do it, then the sky's the limit. I always feel way more empowered in motion than standing in front of a mirror. And so, I keep moving!

Q: What motivates the crap out of you? (quote, music, people, sport, etc)

A: Some days my mind is moving well before my body. When I listen to music, I picture all types of movements and it inspires me to do something.

Music gets me going for sure and sparks all types of ideas and possibilities. I transport myself to another place and imagine becoming who I want to be.

Q: What advice do you wish you could have given your former self?

A: To try more of what sparked my interest and to care less about others' opinions.

I spent way too long thinking about others. I thought that my story needed to revolve around being with someone. I thought my happiness was conditional to my circumstances. I am my own hero, my own story and I embrace all of the new chapters. I wish I had fallen in love sooner with getting to know myself.

Q: Anything else you'd like to share with us or a bunch of women out there?

A: Everyone wants to put in their two cents and tell women "this" and tell women "that". "This" is the new "that." "Flaunt yourself" "Cover that up".

I believe that self empowerment doesn't live snugly into a well crafted slogan. It is YOUR life. Your outfits and actions owe no explanations.

Blaze trails by being authentic. Being authentically you makes room for us all, now and the next generations, to do the same. Dig deep and listen to that lil dreamer inside of you. Make her proud. Oh, and I am here if anyone ever needs to talk! Truly!



#wcw -Meet Kelly


Meet Kelly Manzone.  

Kelly moves absolutely beautifully...she is full of power and grace.  Her strength is ridiculous and when you see her move... I swear it's just like whoa...  Kelly has been diving deeper into the Kettlebell Sport world and is helping shed light on some unconventional methods of movement and mobility like StickMobility, Mace skills, and also Original Strength.  Oh, and she even does some vintage strength goodness which just sounds pretty sweet...right?

Kelly gets creative with her movement and always seems to be mixing it up and keeping an open mind... Kelly truly soaks up a good flow and brings warmth to her area of Connecticut.  She is a true people connector and embodies so much of what we want to see grow from the Women's Movement Collaborative.  She is always exploring and moving, playing and connecting with others, and being just downright awesome. 

We just know you are going to love her! Make sure you take a second to check out her killer Instagram channel (@kellsbells88).  Or if you want to connect a little deeper with Kelly, consider reaching out to her at kelly@kmmoves.com.


Q: What do you do?

A: Personal trainer, Kettlebell instructor, barre instructor, GSplanet Vintage Strength coach

Q: What else do you do?

A: I recently started competing in kettlebell sport double long cycle (5 competitions in 7months - about 9 months of training) I also compete in Mace competitions with Vintage Strength... I have a passion for mobility training and bodyweight flows (used to dance and was a yoga instructor for a few years) I'll be a stick mobility certified coach soon...I love unconventional training and traditional strength training methods...this girl loves to move and I keep an open mind... many benefits to incorporating various training methods


Q: How do you define the word 'strength'?

A: Oh my ... that can be a long answer - keeping it sort , I believe true strength comes from within - being resilient , being persistent, being patient ... strength is a state of mind - that can translate into physical "strength" ... our mental strength and our physical strength are intertwined - when balanced - it's equates to optimal health ...there's peeks & valleys, but a "strong" person thrives

Q: How did you discover your passion/work/niche?

A: I've always been a mover & shaker... always an athlete - years of dance and gymnastics in my youth - swim & track , softball team in high school , "traditional" strength training / cardio of the college days.

I found my niche in my early 20's when I was working out at a gym & would often get approached by members thinking I was a trainer... I realized at that time, I was actually one of the only women in the weight room! With this realization, I decided to pursue my passion and become a personal trainer.

15 years in and I would say I really found my niche when I touched my first kettlebell in 2008.  From then on, I continued the explore unconventional methods ... though I train "inside" the box, I like move & think myself more outside the box.


Q: How do you incorporate movement into your daily lifestyle?

A post shared by Kelly Manzone (@kellsbells88) on

A: First thing I do in the morning when I wake up is get on my mat (may it even be at 4:30am) and I foam roll, stick mobility, do some yoga or just general movements very similar to Original Strength (OS) resets...

I stand for work and I'm constantly manipulating my body as I instruct and teach ... I have days where I strength train or sport train - days where I'll get on the step mill or rower - I'll pick up my kettlebells, mace and clubs and train. Some days it's a gentle walk or a outdoor park workout.

 Oh, and I park far away when shopping!  When I get a chance, I walk to school to pick up my son and I always take the stairs when possible.  These little things add up nicely. :) 


Q: Where would be a good starting point for someone who is looking to add more movements into their life like what you do?

A: The starting point would be evaluating general movement .. mobility, strength, stability, flexibility....

Find what your comfort zone is, along with a general health assessment and goals.  Using progressions that are safe, easy to learn & incorporate is key!!

A few simple & basic starting points to build a solid structural foundation whether it be a kettlebell, sandbag, battling rope, etc . Also complimenting that training with systems like iflows and OS resets.


Q: How do you define 'fitness'?

Fitness is a state of mind — acceptance of others and enjoying the connections that you can forge through actives... fitness doesn’t need to occur in a gym - it’s everywhere - the possibilities are boundless.

A: My definition of fitness or what it means to fit is not what we see advertised in main stream fitness... being fit isn't about being a size '0', booty #gains or strictly aesthetics ... it's about being capable, moving well, making progress, sustainability, longevity... it's also about the journey (being able to reflect and see how far you've come).

Fitness is a state of mind -- acceptance of others and enjoying the connections that you can forge through actives... fitness doesn't need to occur in a gym - it's everywhere - the possibilities are boundless.


Q: Where do you see the future of the fitness?

A: It's always going to evolve - there will also be new fads (some good/some not so good) ... What I would like to see is more of a collaboration - taking various concepts from a variety of modalities and bringing them together...

I think there will be a return to the fundamentals - I already see that happening --- you can't HITT train and Crossfit for ever... people are going to start focusing more on longevity -- and you can perform at a higher level for a longer duration of time with the right tools.


Q: Does movement increase your self-confidence? If yes, how?

A: Sure is does! When you feel strong and look strong it helps with feeling confident...

I long had issues with anxiety in my late teen and early 20's - movement is my medicine - I've always said exercise is just as emotional as it is physical. I use Movement as a way to process life's day to day trails / tribulations and celebrations.

I also feel much more confident and comfortable as a woman as I've gotten older ... I turn 38 this year and I feel like I'm just getting started - I think we just get better!


Q: What motivates the crap out of you? (quote, music, people, sport, etc)

A: Music and a good training session... I love music , always have - it's a powerful motivator - it gets you in zone... my favorite thing to do is blast some tunes in my home training spot and move!


Q: What advice do you wish you could have given your former self?

I would tell my younger self - “stay the course”.

A: Oh boy - well, that could be a long one too lol 😂... my upbringing was anything but conventional - I reflect and realize that the struggles of my childhood shaped me into the strong woman I am today and equipped me with tools to survive and thrive.

I would tell my younger self - "stay the course".

I kept at it and I never gave up... there are just some of life's values that you can't put a price on.


Q: Anything else you'd like to share with us or a bunch of women out there?

A: I'd like to bring the natural back --- I'm so grateful that I grew up in era that I did - before social media.

Sadly, women are exposed to so many photos shopped & filtered photos - along with the pressures of surgical enhancements (to each his own) & society's standards that I think it's impacting their health and appreciation for their bodies.

I personally prefer seeing strong , straight forward women over the age of 35 staying strong while rocking it naturally... there's too much focus on aesthetics and not on quality of living...

Honestly , we are living in some crazy and scary times - our focus should be on more important issues than our appearance...right?

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Woman Crush Wednesday - Meet Sarah S.

Meet Sarah Scozzaro!

Sarah is kicking off the our #wcw as the first woman to be featured on our blog.  Since we first conducted her interview, Sarah has now been added to the list of presenters at the first ever Women's Movement Collaborative Project this Fall.  

She resides in North Dakota with her husband and her 2 adorable cats.  You'll find her running all over the US taking pictures of her outdoor running adventures.  Sarah roots for the Cincinnati Bengals, is a Vegetarian, enjoys cooking, and has a list of races she's participating in on her website, www.drtyrunner.com.

We wanted to make sure to we introduced as many people as possible to Sarah because she is seriously awesome.  She is one tough lady and has miles, and miles, and miles under her belt...literally.  

Not only is Sarah an inspiring mover, but Sarah is also a smart, kind hearted, positive, uplifting person to be around.  She is definitely someone you ought to follow on social media (seriously, she does a killer job on taking pics too!) and connect with.  

Instagram    -    Facebook    -    Twitter

I'll let Sarah get into the details below, but please give her a shout out and see what Sarah is all about! 

Happy Wednesday!




Q: What do you do?

A: I am an ultra runner (so I like to run really, really far!) Movement lover, Running Coach, Personal Trainer, Restorative Exercise Specialist and Original Strength Level 2 Coach

Q: What else do you do?

A:   I love photography, laughter, reading, cooking and - Yes - eating! I love challenging my body and mind in new ways. And I am always happiest when I in the mountains or near running water, and with a tribe of amazing, uplifting and inspiring people.

Q: How do you define the world 'strength'? 

A: Being able to push yourself through and experience challenges, which sometimes can be uncomfortable and unpleasant, but these experiences shape us into the best version of ourselves. To never, ever get give; to continue in the face of adversity. To know that deep within you, there is a wellspring of tenacity that will help you overcome whatever you may face. Staying positive and relentless when it comes to your goals.

Q: How did you discover your passion/work/niche?

A: I have always been a runner, but it wasn't until I began running again after a bad injury that I got serious about trail running. I love being out in nature, and I love running...so combining the too was a natural evolution for me. It allows me to play every time I head outside, to be one with nature, and to allow myself to experience childlike joy and curiosity with each and every run. This in turn, made me want to encourage others to experience this same joy! And as an athlete myself, and one who has experienced debilitating injury, I love working with those who love to push themselves (no matter their sport) and help them stay strong, healthy and sport ready. I like to say what I do is find the sweet spot where Motivation and Performance meet!

Q: How do you incorporate movement into your daily lifestyle?

A: Running, Original Strength Resets, stretching, walking, strength training...I like to keep my movements as varied and fun throughout the day as I can. So every opportunity I can find to move and play, I take it!

Q: Where would be a good starting point for someone who is looking to add more movements into their life like what you do?

A: Don't be afraid to reach out to people who are doing what you are interested in, and ask for feedback, advice or guidance. Never let the fear of looking silly or stupid stop you for trying something new. Get out and play! Your body is meant to move, so have fun experiencing all the ways that it can.

Interested in getting started with trail or ultra running? The first thing I recommend is going to a specialty running store and getting assessed and fit for an appropriate trail shoe for YOU.

Even if you want to run in minimal shoes, you'll want to work into that, and strengthen and prepare your feet, muscles and joints before you make that leap. Also, a good supportive sports bra will be your BFF.

After that? Well, that's easy! Find a local area of nature that inspires you (hopefully with dirt trails or roads) grab an adventurous friend if you can (dogs count!) and explore. If you aren't already a runner, ease into things with a run/walk combo (run 1-5 mins, walk 1-5 mins etc) and work up to longer bouts of running.

Enjoy the varied terrain (you will go slower than if you were running on the roads) but chances are you'll have a LOT more fun, and you'll be working all sorts of muscles as you move through the environment. Hiking hills, hopping over logs, crossing streams, balancing over rocks; you don't have this kind of fun road running!

If you'll be in an area that is remote always let someone know where you're going, and I recommend that you carry water and a phone.

Most importantly, leave pace expectations behind (esp when you first start) and just enjoy getting out with nature! Take in the beauty around you that you'll never find with on a treadmill. I bet before you know it, you'll soon lose track of time and realize this "getting out in nature" thing is pretty rad!

Q: How do you define 'fitness'?

A: Oh man! This is a tough one. I'd say being able to live your life to the fullest and most movement-full way possible. Finding an activity that gets you out and moving and contributes to your physical and mental well being.

Q: Where do you see the future of the fitness? 

A: I'd like to see it being less about traditional gym training (although that is fine, too) but also more about getting out, moving in a variety of ways, and making fitness more about movement and fun.

Q: Does movement increase your self-confidence? If yes, how?

A: Heck yeah! Nothing beats the feeling of accomplishment after a tough run or training session. I feel sweaty, strong and giddy with a sense of empowerment!

Q: What motivates the crap out of you? (quote, music, people, sports, etc.)

A: Seeing other strong people accomplish their goals and surrounding myself with positive individuals who dream BIG. And I have always loved this quote: "I ran and ran and ran every day, and I acquired this sense of determination, this sense of spirit that I would never, never give up, no matter what else happened." Wilma Rudolph

Q: What advice do you wish you could have given your formal self?

A: Please don't let the fear of looking silly or a feeling like you don't know what you are doing stop you from trying. If you never try, you will never know! Go out and be your amazing, silly, strong and unique self. Never change who you are and never make yourself small to please others. And oh yeah...eat the cookie.

Q: Anything else you'd like to share with us or a bunch of women out there?

A: Go out...try the new thing that's been calling to you and that wake you up at night with butterflies. Follow that dream. Work really hard for your goals and never give up. We all have so much more strength and potential than we give ourselves credit for.


Meet the Women Behind the WMC

The very first Women's Movement Collaborative event is kicking off Sept 2017 with a handful of women taking the fitness industry by storm with different movement practices that get you moving outside of the “box.”  These women are the leading voices in their respectful movement practices and we are honored to have them present at the WMC and teach you how to reconnect to your feminine bodies that are strong, graceful, capable, and beautiful.

These women are some of the best women in the movement world who each have a unique message to share but collectively they have one thing in common… to help women embody self-confidence through movements that will forge a strong mental fortitude, create a capable body that can adapt to different complex environments, and expands the boundaries of movement through creativity and exploration.

We are proud to offer the following movement practices and inspirational presenters at the inaugural WMC project this fall in Portland, OR.




Dani Almeyda – I am a co-owner of Original Strength and OS Institute, which gives me a unique perspective and lens on all things movement.  I am always looking to simplify and stick to as natural movements as possible  At Original Strength we teach people that they were created to be strong and resilient, and to not feel broken.  We teach people that anyone can regain their 'original strength' by pressing reset.   We press reset with movements based off of the developmental patterns we learned as babies.  

My mission is to help introduce women to embracing simplicity, going back to the basics, and to regaining their original strength, through pressing reset.

Read more about Dani here.



Julie Angel- I create work I like, for, or about, people and companies that I like. I spend a lot of time documenting the current ‘age of athletisiscm ‘ – Parkour, MovNat, buildering and much more. Films, photography, action promos, research, writing and presentations. Anything but drama. Filming and understanding what people do so I can share their vision and stories to inspire others. I’m an anthropologist at heart and my current projects are See&Do and the release of my first published book Breaking the Jump, the secret story of Parkour’s high-flying rebellion. Click HERE to view some previous screenings, presentations and events I have attended.


Read more about Julie here.


Abby Clark- I am currently the only female Team Instructor for MovNat, the world's leading natural movement fitness system teaching people and fitness/health professionals how to relearn movements that they were born to do efficiently and effectively. Natural Movement consists of ground movements (rocking, rolling, crawling, kneeling, seating, squatting, get ups), walking, running, climbing, lifting, carrying, throwing, swimming, jumping, vaulting, self-defense and more.  We are unspecialized creatures and that is a powerful quality to have as a species.

My mission is to reconnect women to their true nature through natural movement and to transcend the current fitness norms, especially for women.


Read more about Abby here.  


Kirsty Groart- I am the only female lead trainer at GMB Fitness. At first glance, what I teach is handstands and gymnastics inspired movements. At a deeper level, its not simply about learning new tricks or getting stronger; its about increasing your awareness of yourself and to learning to control your own body. And through this process gaining confidence and freedom in the wa you move. 


Read more about Kirsty here

A Letter from the Founders

Dear sisters,

After following each other's work on social media for months one long phone call confirmed that we were destined to be friends and that we were going to create some big magic together.

With an extensive background in the fitness industry we know first hand that it prescribes a very specialized approach towards movement which doesn't really optimize our true potential as women. We are ready to move outside of that prescribed box that poorly defines what being “fit” or what being “in shape” is for women and into the endless world of possibilities of movement with no boundaries. 

Women are more than their bodies (a heck of a lot more!) but our bodies are these super powerful, capable, and strong vessels that house our divine feminine souls and carry us through life. We want to optimize your life and how you move in it because we believe that  being fit isn’t just about looking good or hitting a PR, it’s about being the best version of yourself and unlocking your potential so you can go out into the world and create your magic. 

How could we empower women to reclaim their own feminine powers? 

That is when the Women's Movement Collaborative was born. 

We knew we couldn't do this alone.  We reached out to a few other women who are also going against the grain in the fitness world to see if they'd want to work with us and they immediately said, “YES!”  Clearly this is something women are craving.  

With a shared vision of connecting women from all over the world who want to think and move outside of box we are exictedly announcing the launch of our very first WMC project in Portland, OR in the fall of 2017 and we want you to join us.  If you are ready to tap into your full potential, optimize your movement abilities, connect with other out of the box thinking women, and challenge yourself mentally and physically…this is for you.


Let’s MOVE! Let’s celebrate our feminine bodies that are both fierce and graceful.



Abby and Dani

Founders of Women’s Movement Collaborative